Monday, February 13, 2017

The Sickness Saga Continues....

I tell you what... we've all about had enough of this sickness plague going around in the Leach residence! It seems as though we cannot catch a break. If it's not a cough, it's a diaper rash. If it's not diaper rash, it's diarrhea. If it's not diarrhea, it's vomit. Get the picture?

Last Friday I was about 2 minutes away from getting James at daycare. The weather was G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S out and I had just called John and confirmed we would book it to the park and take advantage of the awesome weather. As I was about to pull into the daycare parking lot one of James' teachers called me to let me know he had just vomited A LOT everywhere. Awesome. I arrived to daycare to a puke covered babe, quickly getting changed by his teacher (bless her!). We quickly packed up our stuff and headed home. A GI bug had been going around last week and I was fearful it would hit James eventually. We got home Friday evening and just tried to lay low. After about 3-4 vomiting episodes and 2 baths, we finally got our little buddy calmed down and in bed around 9:00. No fun for anyone involved.

Saturday we thought we were in the clear. James had been tolerating bland foods and water, doing great! I was thankful all we were dealing with at the time was some diarrhea. I was encouraged when he was playing and active. We even walked the sidewalk outside just to get some fresh air before dinner and he was in bed at his usual time without a fuss.

And then, Sunday....

Sunday came and I assumed we were still headed in the right direction. John reminded me that I still had a few bags of frozen breast milk in the freezer so I thawed a bag thinking that would settle better than a cup of whole milk. After some breast milk and Cheerios the fun began again. Vomit. EVERYWHERE. And it did not stop for the day.

After about 5-6 vomiting episodes and his lack of being able to keep any food or drink down I decided to call the pediatrician on-call. I had debated on taking him in to an Urgent Care, but really did not want to risk exposing him to all of the influenza cases that are running wild! I was so thankful that it was his own pediatrician on call and she was kind enough to trust my assessment of him and call us in some Zofran. Thank you, Jesus! What a miracle Zofran is.

We finally got a dose of Zofran in him and a few crackers. I was nervous to give him any solids, but the poor baby was so darn hungry I couldn't get him to calm down without some sort of food/drink before bed.

I'm crossing my fingers AND toes that we are finally headed in the right direction. Lord, please do not let my baby throw up anymore. I think we are all tired of the sickness (and the laundry and disinfecting)!

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