Friday, April 15, 2016

Half Birthday

Our sweet, James, you are a half year old already! One. Half. If these next 6 months are anything like the first, then we will be planning your 1st Birthday in no time! Some fun things about you at 6 months....

  • You are still one happy guy! Nothing seems to really upset you or frustrate you, unless of course you are hungry. Then you get "hangry" like your mother! :) You are all smiles, all of the time and we love this about you. You sure are one charming little guy!
  • You are still getting the hang of eating more solids. You have tried avocado, sweet peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Carrots and squash are on the horizon before we begin fruits next. You seem to love the green veggies but aren't quite sure about the sweet potatoes yet, which really surprised me.

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