Monday, April 25, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

6 Month Stats

 James had his 6 month check up on Tuesday night and below were his stats! It appears we have a chunky monkey on our hands!
Check out those thigh rolls!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Half Birthday

Our sweet, James, you are a half year old already! One. Half. If these next 6 months are anything like the first, then we will be planning your 1st Birthday in no time! Some fun things about you at 6 months....

  • You are still one happy guy! Nothing seems to really upset you or frustrate you, unless of course you are hungry. Then you get "hangry" like your mother! :) You are all smiles, all of the time and we love this about you. You sure are one charming little guy!
  • You are still getting the hang of eating more solids. You have tried avocado, sweet peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Carrots and squash are on the horizon before we begin fruits next. You seem to love the green veggies but aren't quite sure about the sweet potatoes yet, which really surprised me.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

So big!

Oh sweet, James. Why are you getting so big so fast? It seems time is flying and this boy is anxious to get moving. Here are a few pictures that sum up this stage lately.
He's graduated from the little whale tub and now thinks he's pretty cool to be sitting up in his new inflatable tub. Big stuff, people!
Being all big sitting up on his blanket in the den. He also figured out how to go from his back or belly up to a sitting position last week thanks to motivation from his Grammy. :)
Sweet, smiley boy!


Grammy came to pay a special visit last week! She came to save the day(s) as daddy had to leave town the Monday after we moved into our new house, and boy was she a lifesaver! She cooked mommy her favorite meals and came with an abundance of love to share with James. :) It was so great to have her visit and we miss her lots! Her and James enjoyed a full day together on Tuesday. Lots of snuggles, play time, and stories were had.
Thanks again, mom for saving us! We love you!
"Grammy, is that you?"

Sending selfies to my sisters with the best frozen custard in town...Foo's (which also happens to be just a few blocks from our new house)!
Bedtime stories with Grammy
More stories. :)

Because this is seriously the best meal EVER!!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Big Move

Well, it's official. We finally made the big move this weekend from the condo to our new house! It's been a fast and exhausting weekend. We have everything moved with the exception of a few things that remain at the condo for listing purposes.

Thursday we signed our paperwork. We left to grab lunch together and thought we needed an obligatory selfie in the parking lot. Me being excited, John being "tense".

Thursday evening we went to the new house with James in tow. He thinks it's pretty good to have a carpeted living room area to roll/kick around.
Thursday I spent the entire day painting as I waiting on our washer and dryer and deep freeze to be delivered. I was able to get James' room done as well as one coat of paint in the guest room. Below is James soaking it all in as I organized his new room.
Friday and Saturday we spent our days moving every single item we own. We are tired, sore, and emotional (ok, well that's mainly me!) from all of the chaos. As I put James to bd tonight, he and I shares some snuggles. I think it's safe to say that we were both tired.
Now the unpacking fun really begins! (insert sarcasm here)