Wednesday, July 25, 2018


There are so many challenging moments of being a toddler parent. However, despite the challenges of the tantrums and strong willed personality, I find this age to be so fun and so charming. I'm going to strive to keep up better at blogging so that I can remember all of the funny things that come out of James' mouth these days. Here are some of my recent favorites.

  • Currently his "F's" are pronounced with an "S". Example: "Daddy, look! That hairtplane (airplane) is "slyin'"! or "Mommy, look at that "slag" (flag).
  • James is learning more about days of the week and what things like "this weekend" and "next week" mean (as best as a 2 year old can interpret). Last night he told me, "Mommy, I want Daddy to snuggle me in bed next week." and "Mommy, I want to go to Boo Boo's pool next week." At least we aren't demanding things right now?
  • We listened to the baby's heartbeat at home last night thanks to a friend for letting us borrow their Doppler. I finally got it to pick up so James wanted to also listen. He was rather concerned that I was laying on the floor with my shirt up, but proceeded with the following. "Mommy, I want to tell hers a secret." as he got closer to my belly and started digging in my belly button. He is currently stuck on the fact that the baby is a sister. We'll see!

Those are all that stick out this morning amidst my foggy pregnancy brain. I'll continue to update as more funnies come in!

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