Wednesday, July 25, 2018


There are so many challenging moments of being a toddler parent. However, despite the challenges of the tantrums and strong willed personality, I find this age to be so fun and so charming. I'm going to strive to keep up better at blogging so that I can remember all of the funny things that come out of James' mouth these days. Here are some of my recent favorites.

  • Currently his "F's" are pronounced with an "S". Example: "Daddy, look! That hairtplane (airplane) is "slyin'"! or "Mommy, look at that "slag" (flag).
  • James is learning more about days of the week and what things like "this weekend" and "next week" mean (as best as a 2 year old can interpret). Last night he told me, "Mommy, I want Daddy to snuggle me in bed next week." and "Mommy, I want to go to Boo Boo's pool next week." At least we aren't demanding things right now?
  • We listened to the baby's heartbeat at home last night thanks to a friend for letting us borrow their Doppler. I finally got it to pick up so James wanted to also listen. He was rather concerned that I was laying on the floor with my shirt up, but proceeded with the following. "Mommy, I want to tell hers a secret." as he got closer to my belly and started digging in my belly button. He is currently stuck on the fact that the baby is a sister. We'll see!

Those are all that stick out this morning amidst my foggy pregnancy brain. I'll continue to update as more funnies come in!

Monday, July 16, 2018


Here I am, yet again, way behind schedule. I'm going to do my best to re-cap the last 2 months for our family.

We wrapped up April with Daddy's birthday. It was fun to help James pick our decorations and celebrate our main guy!

Mommy and Daddy also managed to sneak in a date night to The Rock Chalk Ball. It was our first time attending it was super fun!

May started with a Cinco de Mayo party at our house! We had friends, good food, and outside fun to kick off the event. May continued to be busy with John training for his triathlon. We went to support him as he did KC Triathlon. James had fun watching daddy race!

Post race, we enjoyed some quality family time for Mother's Day. My boys spent the day spoiling me with love. This Mother's Day was bittersweet as we were missing our girl, Grace. It was a good day to reflect on having a healthy boy and having Grace be our angel watching over us.

We took a big trip to San Francisco so John could do the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon. It was a fun, action packed trip for all! I'll post pictures of the week in an alternate post.

Once back from our trip, we started June off with a pleasant, unexpected surprise.....we're expecting again! So, we've been juggling all of the excitement, emotions, fatigue, nausea, and appointments that we have been going through the last few weeks. It's been stressful but we are taking it one day at a time and trying to soak it up while we can. If all goes well, we'll have a February 2019 addition to our family. :)