Monday, April 17, 2017


Somehow, our sweet boy turned 18 months young on Easter Sunday. How can this be already? Time continues to pass so quickly. I so want time to slow down, yet I am loving every minute of all of the changes James is exhibiting. Some things that about you at this age....

  • Man, are you a busy boy! You run. Everywhere. All of the time! You are fast, sneaky and love to climb. You also have some killer dance moves. One of these days I fear we will end up in the Emergency Department for you to get stitches. It's only a matter of time...sigh....
  • You are smart. SO smart. Your vocabulary is booming and you are a little jokester. Recently you have started finishing sentences of books you often read and I will say, it's pretty impressive. The lately book you do this to is the "Bubbles, Bubbles" Elmo book.
  • You LOVE your "Bankie" (Blankie) and all of your other"friends" in your crib. Just tonight, I chuckled as I heard you talking to "Pooh" and "wheeeel" (whale shark- from Finding Dory). You are so good at consoling yourself to bed.
  • You LOVE your daddy. You are always keeping an eye on him and always want to know where he is. Pure sweetness!
  • You love going on walks in your stroller to the park. Most days after we get home from daycare, you'll look at me as I get you out of your car seat and shout, "walk?!". You love to be outside and I love that about you. When we go on runs together you have started shouting, "FAST, FAST", as I run and you'll let me know if we aren't going fast enough for your liking.
  • You are a creature of habit and routine. You are often ready for bed between 6:30/7:00 no matter the day, and often rise by 6:30/7:00 a.m. no matter the day. You also never fall for the "go to bed late, wake up late" trick. :) And if you wake-up mid nap, there is no getting you back to sleep.
  • You continue to be a picky eater. I call you the "Carbotarian". You mostly love carbs, meat, fruit, and dairy. Daily foods for you consist of mac n' cheese, grilled cheese, cheese pizza....are you sensing a pattern here? You hate vegetables- although you'll eat "zoodles" (zucchini noodles- explain that one to me!). I pray you have gained weight since your lasts appointment with Dr. D, although I am skeptical. Sigh.....
  • You are starting to exhibit so much independence and are so ornery! Just this week your lead teacher at school had to inform me that you have been a little challenging at times. Obviously you are only 18 months so a lot of it is to be expected, but a lot of it is that you are so smart and are starting to challenge others more. You were also reported to have been climbing more at school, which also makes sense because you are getting more brave at home starting to climb. Sigh.
James- you simply bring us pure joy. You are our life. Our world. Our happiness. Our world revolves around you and you make us happier and our days brighter- more than you even know! Although these toddler days have their moments, I would not trade them for the world! I told your Grammy just the other day that although you are SO busy, you are SO much fun! Your personality lights up the world and I am so, so, SO grateful that God made me your mommy!

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