Monday, December 26, 2016

'Tis the season to be busy!

A busy few weeks have  passed at our house. Here is a quick re-cap....

James and I spent a few days at home, just playing and being silly. This. Boy. Is. BUSY.

New shenanigans in the block tub.

Up to no good!
"This is how it works, right mom?"
We have really enjoyed our front room this holiday season  now that we have it furnished. This room turned out exactly how we had envisioned the day we looked at our house. Here I got to enjoy a quiet afternoon as James napped, while I leisurely sipped my latte. Bliss!

My this!
 James has really been laying on the kisses thick lately. Don't let this picture fool you. He is quick to offer a slobbery, open mouthed kiss upon demand and it's totally precious. Makes this momma's heart total mush!

James had a f/u doctor's appointment with Dr. D to re-check his cough. He had a good report (although as I type this his cough has returned....sigh.). He was equally pleased to learn that he is finally big enough to enjoy the big toy house in the dr's office waiting room. 

The Master

And yet another belated post.... (I'm so far behind!)

John completed his Master's program through K-State on December 14th! What an accomplishment for him! As hard as times have been for our family while he's been working on his degree, we are so proud of him! He has spent many nights studying and working on projects since January of 2011. I cannot even begin to imagine how he got the job done between juggling working full time, being married to such an awesome person ;), and welcoming James into our family (which he had to take 2 classes the semester James was born).

Congrats, babe! We are beyond proud of you and this new accomplishment. Cheers to the many successes that lie ahead! We love you!

Meeting Santa

Yet another belated post!

James got to meet 'Ole St. Nick the first weekend in December. This was his first year meeting the jolly old man in red. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.... :)

Friday, December 9, 2016

November Ends, December Begins

Thanksgiving (and really November in general) came and went in the blink of an eye at our house. It was also much different than we had anticipated. Thanks to some pink eye and bronchiolitis diagnosis for James, Turkey Day was spent in the comfort of our own home. We were (and are) thankful for Grandmommy who brought the entire Thanksgiving feast to our house that we were supposed to have at her house. With James being on breathing treatments about every 4 hours, we just couldn't venture far from home. And poor guy was ready for bed at 5pm Thanksgiving night and didn't even partake in the feast. Luckily, he is MUCH better now and lets hope that he stays healthy for Christmas!

We had also planned to surprise Grammy and Grandad with a visit north over Thanksgiving weekend. John took Friday off and we thought we would have the extra long weekend to make the trip north. But, we decided it would probably be best to stay put with James not feeling 100%. Although we missed seeing family, we did enjoy the long weekend at home, just being kind of lazy and doing our own thing. We decorated for Christmas, cleaned, mommy organized the basement, hung outdoor lights, etc. Definitely a productive weekend!

James is busy and on the move. He LOVES the Christmas tree and seeing all of the lights, often commenting "ooooooh" when he sees the Christmas tree. It will definitely be fun to experience Christmas through his eyes this year.

We are anxiously awaiting the holidays and our schedules are crazy. John has another travel trip for work coming up, he's in the final days of his Master's program, we have several holiday parties to attend, and then the holidays with our families. A busy, but fun time ahead!

Some of the fun highlights via pictures for the last few weeks.

Pre-Thanksgiving bday party fun with the Widmer boys.
Birthday party full of boys!
Sweet boys!
Friendsgiving with the ladies, Penny and Savannah!
Friendsgiving mom style...babies and wine! :)
Darn bronchiolitis!!
5pm bedtime on Thanksgiving.
Playtime with Daddy.
Christmas décor.
Fascinated with the tree.
Fun with daddy!
Definitely the BEST GIFT EVER!
Our first try at outdoor Christmas lights.
Play date with Austin!
Fun in the car seat box.
Snack in the car seat box.