Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Pregnancy Update

Here we are, 13 weeks pregnant today! We feel so blessed to have gotten this far to date. I'll admit, I've done an awful job of keeping up-to-date this pregnancy while chasing a toddler, but I'm going to do my best to catch up. Here goes....

This pregnancy has brought forward a whole new level of emotions. I'm trying my hardest to not let my fear taint my joy and excitement, but will say IT. IS. HARD. I'm trying my best to just take it one day at a time and celebrate each small milestone. 

I'm starting to feel a little more human. The fatigue this week hasn't been as bad, and the nausea seems to be letting up a little. I've been doing acupuncture, so I think between that and my medication it has made a different. I'm looking forward to getting even more energy back as I get into my second trimester. 

I've had a few OB apts and scans so far. Last week we had the 12 week scan and all looked well! We left feeling so upbeat and relieved. We were even surprised that it's possible we have another sweet BOY brewing. :) I had my 13 week OB appointment today. Baby's heartbeat was 158 and the visit overall went well. We scheduled my next several appointments through November and then scheduled my 20 week anatomy scan on October 3rd so we'll know officially if we are having another boy. 

James has been so fun to talk about this pregnancy to. He is excited to be a big brother and is always interested in the baby whenever I listen for the heartbeat. We keep talking to him regularly about it to keep him engaged. 

Again, we are thankful for this journey so far. Keep growing little one! We love you to pieces already!

8 weeks!

Sweet baby at 12 week scan- arm and spine picture.

12 week profile

13 week bump picture with my assistant.

"Shhh, mommy, do you hear da baby?"