Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Potty Training and Potty Humor

'Tis the season and age for potty training! I feel like this post has been a long time coming since last fall when James started expressing more interest in potty training. Back in the fall when James started in the two year old room at school we started putting him in pull-ups. He was interested for a while and then regressed. We haven't pushed it at all, just letting him run the show.

Fast forward to last week (week of February 26, 2018), James' teacher told me that he had been using the potty all day every day, even asking to go potty. She said he seems ready for underwear and to start the process. This was a total shock to me, and admittedly I was a little hesitant. I took Thursday night to ponder it and then talked to his teachers again on Friday to which they replied, "Bring him in underwear on Monday, we've got this!". So, we did just that.

Saturday morning James and I had a "Mommy/James date" to Target to get more underwear. After much coaxing to stay away from the pink/flowery Elmo underwear, he settled on Thomas the Train and Lion King. :) He was sooo excited! We trial the underwear a little on Sunday afternoon with no success, but he was still excited to try the underwear.

Come Monday, we sent him to school in Thomas underwear per his request. When I picked him up the teacher said he did great the whole day, only having a tiny accident right as I was picking him up (only requiring an underwear change, pants were ok!). We were soooo proud of him and he was so excited!

On Tuesday, I picked him up from the gym. His teacher said he might need to potty before we head home, so we made a pit stop by his classroom for a bathroom break. HE sat for a few minute and then finally peed. Upon inspecting for any "dribbles" he told me, "Look mommy, there's pee pee on my tail (aka- penis)!" John did share the other night that he had been referring to his penis as his "tail". Oh boy, the potty humor is just beginning...

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting
All proud of himself after a good first day in big boy underpants!

Thus the life of a boy mom. :) Keep up the good work, James! We are so proud of you!

Angel Baby

I am running a month behind on blogging yet again, but this time for valid reasons. February turned out to be the hardest month for our family as we lost our sweet baby a day shy of 12 weeks.

Without going into detail at this moment, our sweet angel baby girl, was born into heaven on February 11, 2018. I (we) want to be able to share the full story, but I do want to be sure to share it, including her name, etc. To date, John and I have decided that we do want to name her (and have named her) what we had planned to name a future daughter, but aren't yet at the place where we can share it publicly.

What we do know is that this obstacle has taught us so much about ourselves individually, as a couple, and as a family. We never imagined that we would be in this situation, facing this difficult time. but we are so grateful for those that have loved us and helped carry us along day-by-day.

What we also know is that without James we would feel emotions on a whole different level. He is truly the light for us right now and is helping us cope and see life in a new way that we are eternally grateful for.

While our loss was still tragic it is comforting to know that we do have an Angel Baby watching over us and we pray that she will continue to love and protect us from above.

To be continued....