Thursday, March 16, 2017

Jabber Walkie

James' vocabulary is really exploding lately. The boy is saying different words left and right, annunciating more, and has now started to put 2-3 words together. Here is a running list of what I can remember to date.

"Momma"- Momma
"DaDa"- DaDa
"Bookie"- Book
"Oof"- Puppy/Dog
"Baa"- Sheep
"Oye Oye"- Pig
"Naaahh"- Hourse
"Tuttle"- Turtle
"Pish"- Fish
"Walk"- Walk
"Eh-mow"- Elmo
"Wheeel"- Whale
"Puh"- Pooh
"Baaa"- Bath
"Ette"- Eat
"Ilk"- Milk
"Awffle"- Waffle
"Go-Go"- Goldfish
"Baahr"- Fruit Bar
"Bake"- Bacon
"Chee"- Cheese
"Ooooh"- Cheerio
"Ball"- Ball
"Muh Muh"- More
"Pease"- Please
"Uuhh ooo"- Love you
"Nigh Nigh"- Night Night
"Bay butt"- Belly Button
"Muh-Bake-Pease"- More bacon please!
"Bay butt- Momma"- Momma's belly button

I'm sure there is more that I can't remember and I have no doubt this is only the beginning o the fun we're about to endure with this little jabber walkie! :)